Thursday, September 26, 2013


Hola! How the heck are ya? It's been a while since I've written. I started back to work and that has kept me pretty busy the past couple of weeks, but now things are starting to settle down a bit. Including the extreme heat! We've had such nice days here lately. I love it! In fact I love Fall all together. It is my favorite season and I'm so glad it's finally here! A friend posted this on Facebook the other day and I couldn't agree more. Except for the football part. ;)

With this nice weather, you also get more people running/jogging/walking outside and this past week I have been insanely jealous of every one of them. I miss running so bad. On the up side, I don't think I'm too far away from running again. The doctor said I could, but I'm being VERY cautious with this foot. Probably too cautious, but that's okay! :) I gotta tell ya though, two months of not working out at all has made me a bit grumpy. I felt sooo good when I was running and now I feel sooo not good! No bueno!

In steps my great friend, Jillian Michaels. Yes, we are best buds. She may not know it, but we are. LOL. I follow her on facebook, and one day she posts about her DietBet that was starting soon. I had never heard of DietBet so I researched it. You bet a certain amount of money that you'll lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks. All the players that succeed split the pot. I needed some motivation, so I went for it, but not before pigging out on pizza, green tea frappucino's, cookies and of course chocolate. Here is a picture of my last piece of chocolate before my weigh in:

 Note: I was being good too, updating my IPod with new songs for my workouts. :)

The DietBet started this past Tuesday, but you can do your official weigh in up to 48 hours earlier. I did my weigh in on Sunday night, so I officially started my diet/exercise regimen on Monday. My goal is to eat clean (veggies, fruits, lean meats and water) and work out for at least one hour, four days a week. My focus is on calories in vs. calories out. Here is a summary of my first three days:

Day 1 - Awesome! Came in under my calories for food and went to kickboxing!!! I love kickboxing and I missed it very much! FYI: I have tried to do this healthy thing before and I always did well the first day. By the second day I was pretty much over it...

Day 2 - Actually wasn't half bad. :) Hubby and I walked for over 30 mins and I went to yoga. I love yoga and I missed it very much! LOL. Also, did well on the eating portion, which I am SUPER proud of. Food is my weak spot.

Day 3 - Sucked big time!!!!!! I had a bad day and I have found I'm an emotional eater. When I eat, the world is a better place. It was very, very, very hard not to just go on a binge. I have a horrible sweet tooth too. Sugar is heaven on earth. I am so very proud to say, I refrained and I came in under calories on the day! Woohoo!!!!!!!!! This was a HUGE success for me.

I know the next few weeks are going to be so hard, but they will also be so rewarding at the same time. I plan to share more throughout this journey and I might even be brave enough to post the before photo. It is NOT pretty! I know many of you are on your own journeys too, so feel free to share any helpful tips you have! Now, go out and enjoy this gorgeous weather! :)